19659 S. 97th Ave.
Mokena, IL 60448

Tech Certification

Anderson Pump Service offers high quality training for all Gilbarco, Veeder-Root and Red Jacket certified training. Technicians attending training at Anderson Pump Service will have their own equipment to work on for the complete hands-on experience. Most certificate classes require completing an online class before attending the hands-on class.


Our certified trainer, Tim Mitchell, has been in the industry for over 25 years and has been at Anderson Pump Service for 20. He holds certifications in all Gilbarco and Veeder Root products and as a technician recertifies as required. Tim, when not training, is in the field working on the latest equipment and software, keeping his skills sharp and up to date.

Anderson Pump Service is in Mokena, IL. Which is southwest of Chicago, IL. With O’Hare, International and Midway International airports in the area. Our Training center is easy to get too. We are just a mile south of Interstate 80 off Route 45 (LaGrange RD.). There are Hotels in the area that we have special pricing deals with. Anderson Pump Service is the largest Gilbarco Veeder-Root Distributor/ASC in the Chicago area.

Each tech needs to bring their laptop with the capability to connect to high speed internet and have an RS232 port/converter to interface with the equipment plus a Lock Out/Tag Out (as in Granger catalog # 5U714 or similar). Small hand tools will be needed in most classes along with a multi meter. Paper, pens and highlighters will also be the responsibility of each tech, note taking and highlighting troubleshooting results is always a big plus.

How Do I Start the Process to Have our Technicians Certified?

That is a great question. Since the technician is coming to a class to get Certified on a specific manufacturers equipment, the technician is not getting trained on how to perform their job. So, to begin this process the technician needs to have our Industry field experience, this could be Gas Stations, bulk plants or commercial sites. The main thing is Technicians need to understand the possible dangers that this industry possess.

For someone not properly trained in the safety aspect of their job, this can be dangerous or deadly. Gilbarco Veeder Root corporation does insist everyone has taken the "GVR Fueling Site Safety Course" as a supplement to your companies safety training. This GVR Technician Safety Course is NOT intended to be a sole resource for safety training but a supplemental to the Technicians Company Safety Program.

Who can Attend certification classes?

Gilbarco Dispenser/Pumps and Passport classes, only Technicians directly employed with a Gilbarco ASC, Distributor or CSC may attend certification classes. All Veeder Root certifications are now offerred online. To register for the online "TLS Installer" certification navigate to https://gilbarco.sabacloud.com

Where do I start the Certification process?

This is where the certification process begins. The "Service Manager" along with the Technician will visit the Technical Training Web Site fill out a "New Student Registration Form". An email will be sent with the Technicians new technician number along with how to access the LMS, Learning Management System. Here is where all certifications classes and re-certification classes will be available for the Technician. Fulfill the requirement of 6 months of field experience and any prerequisite that is needed. Now choose which CTP, Certified Training Partner, location the Technician is going to attend. Download a registration form, fill it out according to the instructions and send to the appropriate CTP. Approximately two weeks before the class date, the emails addresses on the registration form will receive an email, instructing the Technician that he has been registered for the class and if any online material will be needed to attend the Instructor Led Class. If any pre-course online material is needed it must be completed 5 days before the class date.When the Technician completes and passes the online portion they will then email the Instructor for further instructions about the class. No registrations for the Instructor Led class can be accepted less than 14 days of the class date.

Is there anything the Technician needs to bring to Class?

Every Technician needs to have their own laptop for all classes. Homework that is assigned nightly and Final Tests are all done on the LMS. Each Technician also needs to bring their own Lock Out/Tag out kit to class and display they know how and when to use them. Some classes the Technician will also need to bring some small hand tools.

If I have any questions who should I contact?

Contacting Tim Mitchell, Certified Trainer at Anderson Pump Service, with any questions about training at Anderson Pump Service can be accomplished by emailing Tim Mitchell at tmitchell@andersonpump.com or Chris Fredrick chrisf@andersonpump.com . If you wish to schedule special classes for the Technicians at your company only, this can also be done by email.

See our full training schedule.